
Sporting fishing

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Sporting fishing at Porto, Corsica

In a site designated by UNESCO François René Castellani guide of sporting fishing, you will share his passion for fishing.

Aboard the Alpana, a boat built and shapes for sporting fishing, you will come across all the piscivores that people the crystal clear waters of Corsica. You may experience keen and good moments, this outing at sea will give you strong feelings and the discovery of the most splendid scenery in Corsica.

peche sportive corse alpana porto scandola girolata

Techniques of fishing

vertical fishing is a technique that helps amateurs to enjoy themselves fishing with pleasure. You drop the decoy perpendicular to the boat, next to the bottom of the sea and sustain it with the scion, keeping on the qui vive. The thinness of the tackle is unique and the pleasure to use it is incomparable. Vertical fishing is in fact the absolute mastership to show the decoy, : its height from the bottom, its speed, its direction, everything can be controlled constantly by an inch  which is impossible with any other technique. What is more with the fishfinder and sounder you can discover the life of the seabed, anatomy of posts but also the behavior of the fish. Vertical fishing helps discover much for that matter.

There are 4 types of decoys for vertical fishing :

  • supple decoys with lead beads
  • jigs
  • tai-jigs and inshiku
  • montures “mort maniée”

All these decoys attract big predators living in the Med:

  • amberjack
  • snapper
  • sea bream
  • red snapper
  • tuna
  • grouper
  • barracuda and many others…
cast fishing is an active technique when you throw decoys (swimming fish, supple decoys, poppers, stickbaits even jigs) then you pull them to copy the swimming of a wounded prey.
Cast fishing with surface decoys such as poppers, supply unique sensations when a fish is cutting through the water to devour the decoy. The species that are concerned are : bonito, tuna,barracuda, wolfish,snapper and amberjack ( in the hunting ground).

To define downtrigger fishing is to drag a decoy or a live bait in the deep sea. It permits to prospect all the different layers of water and particularly the deepest ( down to 100 meters = 300 feet). They are out of reach of classical prospection.

To do so you use a fishing rod, a reel and a manual or electrical purchase.


Half Day

departure at sunrise – back at noon.

Transportation by boat to the fishing areas,
a skipper fishing guide.
the teaching of different techniques
the supply of all fishing tackles( high standard) and live baits.
The fuel

150 euros per person (a 4 fishermen basis).

Full Day

8 to 10 hours’ fishing

Departure at sunrise and return by 5 p.m.

Transportation by boat to the fishing areas, a skipper fishing guide.
the teaching of different techniques
the supply of all fishing tackles( high standard) and live baits.
The fuel
The spuntinu ( corsican sandwich ) with soft drinks.

300 euros by person (on a 4 fishermen basis.).

For the season in 2017 April/May/ October

Should the weather make the trip impossible it would be either postponed or reimbursed totally.

A globe trotter fisherman :

Guess where François-René is when the touristic season comes to an end in the gulf of Porto?

La passion reprend le dessus et dès qu’il le peut il remonte sur un bateau à la recherche de sensations fortes en essayant de capturer des “poissons trophées” His passion has it and as soon as he can he gets aboard a ship in search of strong sensations trying to catch ” trophy fish “around the world.

Jostling with sea people in the whole world and sharing fishing techniques, François-René returns home with more knowledge about the sea environment and he will be pleased to share his experience with you.

Here are a few species caught in Madagascar or in Panama and many other places.

Our partners

Alpana promenade excursions en mer Scandola girolata porto en bateau
Alpana promenade excursions en mer Scandola girolata porto en bateau
Alpana promenade excursions en mer Scandola girolata porto en bateau
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